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The Advantages of Eating at Home

My favorite Hippocrates quote is: "Let Food Be Your Medicine and Medicine Be Your Food." When you cook at home, you have control of the ingredients, portion sizes, and cooking methods, allowing you to make healthier choices. You can rely on fresher ingredients, reduce the amount of unhealthy fats, sugars, and salts, or incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your meals.  Let’s look at all the advantages of simply eating at home!   Cost-Effective: Eating at home is generally more economical than dining out. You can buy ingredients in bulk, plan meals in advance to minimize waste, and utilize leftovers creatively, all of which can help you save money in the long run. Customization: Cooking at home enables...

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Managing Post Surgical Drains

Drain Types and Size You may have drains for different reasons, some are small Jackson Pratt drains, others are large Hemovac drains or large collection bags.  Either way, care of those drains are important. Protecting Your Surgical Drains Managing your surgical drains is not easy. It is important to protect them. Managing drains I found difficult as I constantly got them pulled on drawer knobs, door knobs, countertops, and even the toilet paper holder.   I recommend Bracashirts to help you with this. Use the inside pocket shirts for privacy allowing discretion, and the outside pocket shirts for easy access when drainage is heavy and requires frequent emptying.  We also have hospital gowns with large pockets to secure your drains at...

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