Code of Ethics

  • We will provide to all people truthful and accurate information with respect to professional performance of duties and completion of contracts. When unable to fulfill requests for services, we will make every effort to work with our design experts who can customize our design requests and we will work with suppliers to provide a high-quality product for our customers.
  • We will maintain an objective manner to promote the highest level of conduct and ethics reflective of our professional standards and business acumen and financial integrity.
  • We will strive for service excellence in all aspects of our business transactions. We will commit to giving back to cancer research by directing profits back to direct patient care and to cancer research.
  • We will have empathy for the client by practicing positive interpersonal and communication skills.
  • We will respect the confidential nature of our client's information.
  • We specialize in Cancer Education and Cancer Coaching Support
  • Our Free Cancer Education Series is being adopted by Healing Strong and by Surviving Breast Cancer Canada