What to wear after a mastectomy?

BRACAShirts are perfect for post mastectomy surgery. The shirts have large pockets to hold surgical drains.  Our Bracashirt is a high-quality and comfortable way to recover with ease. Discreetly hold, hide and secure drains with no restriction of movement even while accommodating bulky dressings and drains.  Our shirts with outside pockets were specially designed to allow surgical drains to be passed through an opening along the side seams to allow the tubing and drains to pass through to be placed in the pocket. We also have shirts with inside pockets to totally hide and protect the drains.  When you order the combo pack you get both shirts plus a complimentary BRACAGown as a thank you for your order. The advantages of these shirts are:

Machine Washable

Inside pockets hide and protect drains

Prevents pulling out drains

Easy to slip on & no need for bra or undershirts

✓ Easy access for caregivers while maintaining privacy